Monday, September 10, 2012

An hour a day keeps the dust 'stache away...


I thought for my very first blog post, I would post my weekly cleaning routine. This will probably be changing, as I just started school again but I’m waiting to see what my schedule will be like until I change my cleaning schedule. So, until further notice, this is what works for us. I hope maybe it will help you, too!

Yes, it’s two pages and it looks a little scary, I know. But worry not! It’s VERY detailed so it’s not just “clean living room.” I know it may be more detailed than most people think it needs to be, but it helps me to make sure all of my ducks are in a row and I didn’t forget something like, you know, dusting the picture frames. (Cause a dust ‘stache does not go with any wedding dress… no matter how pretty it may be.)

Also! We have a tiny townhome. We have 2 bedrooms, 2 ½ bathrooms, a living room, and a kitchen/dining room. That’s about it besides closets. So I am able to be pretty extensive with my daily cleaning and my time spent on each room. I know this probably doesn’t work for you if you have kids or a bigger house. So do what works for you. This is what works for me and keeps my house at my standards.

So without further ado… our weekly cleaning list.

I tend to give myself Friday and Saturday off because I never know what our plans will be for those days. Some weekends we’re painting and doing a DIY project, others we’re relaxing or hanging out with the family.

Now I know what you’re thinking – all that a day? I’ve got a job! (Or kids… or a life... you know, those things that can sometimes take up your time, too.) I promise this all takes me about 30 minutes to an hour a day. (Minus laundry, which I do throughout the evening and get on with my life.) I’ve gotten pretty quick with cleaning the house and once you get the hang of doing it and have a process it comes pretty quickly.

I have a few favorite tools I use every week and some every day to make my life a whole lot easier and keeping my house cleaner. Other than that, I use the typical household cleaners you get from the grocery store. I try to get products that will do a lot and don’t cost a lot – multi-taskers are great.

1.     Swiffer Duster: This guy gets everywhere and anywhere without having to move all my knick-knacks. I do get in there with real cleaner about once a month and polish and shine my furniture, but for the sake of time, dust free works for me. A few fingerprints can usually wait.
2.      Swiffer Sweeper: Easy mopping of the enormous amount of tile in my house. Mess free and hassle free. Saves time, does a pretty good job. And just like dusting, I do actually mop about once a month with a sponge mop. But this does just fine for what I need it to do weekly.
3.     Dyson Ball: Animal: This guy was definitely an investment. Wasn’t cheap (though I did get him with a 20% off coupon from Bed Bath & Beyond) but he is a lifesaver. I have two dogs – one of them is extremely big and extremely hairy. He’s also black. All my floors are white. He sheds A. LOT. I mean, like, needs to be brushed, groomer has to do a “de-shed” treatment on him. So the Dyson was a great investment and I’ll never own anything but a Dyson. Plus, it has a great hose for vacuuming baseboards and such.

So that's about it! Tell me, do you clean daily or just lump it all into one day? What are your favorite "secret weapons" to keep your house clean? Tell me! I'd love to know!


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